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11 Jan
Posted By: Kate Times Read: 1564

Family name: sterculiaceae.

Lat. name: Cola acuminate.

Common name: Cola Nut.

Description of a plant: cola nut is a nut, which contains caffeine. You can find these seeds on the evergreen tree of the genus Cola (in our case is Cola acuminate). This tree reach a height of 25 meters, has oval leaves and star-shaped flowers (yellow or white with purple shade). Fruits of the tree are pod-shaped. Each of which is nestled about a dozen roundish shaped Kola nuts. Seeds can have white, red or pink colour.

The flavor of Kola nut is sweet and similar with rose, has bitter taste.

The plant native to Africa. Nowadays trees are cultivated widely. Predominantly in tropical areas of Africa, South and Central America.

Kola nut contains caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, tannin, fat, sugar, gum, starch, oils, protein, micronutrients and etc.

Methods of use: powder, extract, herb, tonic, tincture, capsule, herbal supplements.

Interesting facts:

Kola Nut extract is classified as a natural food flavoring.

Kola extract is a common food flavoring found in Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

Each nut contains more caffeine than two large cups of American coffee.

Some people had used kola nuts as a form of currency for trade for items like food and clothing. Others spread them out on the ground around their houses to keep away evil spirits and dangers lurking in the darkness of the jungle.

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