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Customer Testimonials

I ordered off Amazon your 2oz alcohol free Selfheal....th e results were amazing....so far....will see what the long term will be.....so I ordered via Amazon 2 more 4oz bottles....but these were not alcohol free......and I am wondering how effective these will be in comparison.... .I am using them topically on skin disorders and am very successful so far....I have not opened or used the 4 oz. till I hear from you.....I expected the alcohol free 4 oz......I just this evening have found your website and am very pleased......I was hoping you had more descriptions as to the use of each of your products..... Sincerely Nita Young in Kenai, Alaska
Nita Young, Kenai
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Hippocrates: "Nature itself is the best physician."
Hawaii Pharm LLC - Nature Heals. Highest Quality Herbal Products Since 2008.