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17 Mar
Posted By: Paul P. K. Times Read: 1307

To restore brain function and improve memory, people often use folk remedies: decoctions of medicinal herbs, vegetable oils, various fruits, berries and nuts. By adding very little of these plants to your daily diet, you will significantly improve brain function.

TURMERIC. Adding turmeric to your food helps keep your mind sharp. Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which reduces the risk of developing amyloid plaques in the brain. Curcumin improves memory and has antidepressant effects. A recent study from India shows that this active ingredient also protects the brain from alcohol-related damage.

PARSLEY. One of the most important components of this plant is vitamin K, a vitamin that is vital for our body. It protects our blood, bones, kidneys, blood vessels - including the vessels of the brain. 100 grams of parsley contain about 1640 micrograms of vitamin K, the recommended daily dose of which is about 90-120 micrograms. Many scientists believe that parsley has the ability to limit the damage to nerve cells in the brain. Brazilian researchers have discovered in parsley flavonoid apigenin, that improves brain function. Apigenin has shown an exceptional ability to create new neurons and improve memory and restore cognitive capabilities in the brain.

CLOVES. This aromatic spice works as a mental stimulant and reduces oxidative stress through its antioxidant properties. Clove contains phenolic compounds that help remove toxins and maintain healthy brain cells. Clove oil can be used as aromatherapy to keep you concentrated and energized. The oil mixes well with other oils such as peppermint, rosemary, basil, lavender, and orange. Clove oil has been found to help reduce memory deficits. Another benefit of Clove is repelling flies and mosquitoes.

SAGE. Sage is also great for maintaining memory. It contains carnosine, which stops free radicals in the brain. It also increases the production of the anti-aging antioxidant glutathione, which is used to treat a number of neurological disorders. Sage contains compounds that prevent the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in memory and learning processes. The terpenoids in sage extract help improve cognitive function. To boost your cognitive potential, add sage to soups, stews, or simply brew and drink with tea.

ROSEMARY. Rosemary has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps fight free radicals that damage the brain. Carnosine found in this herb, is very good for protecting the brain from stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. It also contributes to the regeneration of nerve cell damage. In addition, it improves blood circulation in the brain.

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