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20 Nov
Posted By: Oxana Times Read: 1655


“Anyone who treats hypertension will confirm that Mistletoe by mouth has definite benefit - for a gentle antihypertensive drug that is well tolerated and non-toxic in the usual dose Mistletoe is the drug of choice.”

Rudolph Weiss M. D.

Family: Santalaceae

Latin name: Viscum album

Other common names: common mistletoe, European mistletoe

Mistletoe, or Viscum album, is a hemiparasitic, evergreen, circular-shaped shrub in the Santalaceae family. It can reach up to 50 cm in height.  The plant originates from southern and western Asia and Europe. It usually grows on the branches of trees: its roots penetrate into the bark and spread in the wood. Mistletoe prefers to parasitize on deciduous trees with soft bark (especially on poplars, willows, maples). It also grows on fruit trees (pear- and apple-trees). The birds play a crucial role in the seed dispersal.

The stems of the plant are cylindrical, glabrous, forcipate.

The leaves are yellowish green, leathery, sessile, oppositely arranged, elongated-elliptic or spatulate, narrowed to the base, whole-edged with 3-4 noticeable longitudinal veins.

The yellowish green small flowers are arranged in groups of 3-6.

The fruit is a false, single-seeded berry, about 1 cm in diameter. It is spherical or slightly elongated in shape. The immature form of the berry is green, after ripening it becomes white and even translucent.

The seeds are greyish white, heart-shaped or oval, densely covered with slimy, sticky pulp.

Chemical Composition

  • nitrogen-containing compounds
  • terpenoids (alpha-amirin, beta amirin, betulinic acid)
  • saponins
  • alkaloids  (tyramine, lupanine)
  • flavonoids (isorhamnetin, quercetin, rhamnetin)
  • histamines
  • organic acids
  • mannitol
  • vitamin E

Interesting Facts About Mistletoe

  1. Mistletoe is most often associated with Christmas traditions and symbology. One of the most popular traditions presupposes that people should kiss each other when they are standing under this plant at Christmas time.
  2. In Norse mythology mistletoe was a symbol of friendship and love.
  3. The ancient Druids thought this plant could protect against evil spirits and bring good luck  

Mistletoe Tea Recipe

What you need:

  • 1 tsp of mistletoe dried leaves
  • 1 cup of water

Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the dried leaves. Steep the mixture for about 10-15 minutes. The tea is ready!


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