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20 Jul
Posted By: Oxana Times Read: 1960


“As the lotus rises on its stalk unsoiled by the mud and water, so the wise one speaks of peace and is unstained by the opinions of the world.”


Lotus flower is one of the most acknowledged and beautiful flowers in the world. It has a great cultural and religious meaning in many Asian countries. It is a symbol of innocence, beauty, purity, rebirth and spiritual awakening. Despite the fact that lotus grows in dirty water, it still remains perfectly pure and attractive.

Lotus, or Nelumbo Nucifera, is an aquatic perennial plant that belongs to the Nelumbonaceae family and is used in Southeast and East Asian traditional medicine. It produces its flowers and leaves directly from the root. The plant can grow up to 1 m in height.  The leaf blades either float on the water or are kept up to 5’ above the water with the help of their petioles. The circular blades are about 1.5-3’ wide, green or blue green, without hairs and with smooth margins. The leaves are depressed towards the centre where they are joined by the petiole. Some flowers are held up to 6‘ above the water with the help of their flowering stalks. The fragrant flower is about 4-10” wide and consists of approximately 15 pink tepals, a yellow receptacle with about 15-35 styles and a lot of yellow stamens. The receptacle has a shape of an upside-down cone and is situated in the centre of the flower. The plant spreads with the help of its seeds or rhizomes.

Parts used: leaves, flowers, rhizomes, seeds.

Key Ingredients

  • Vitamins C, B6
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins
  • Minerals ( manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron)
  • Thiamin
  • Folate
  • Niacin

Interesting Facts About Lotus

  • Lotus flowers can be pink, white, blue, yellow, purple or red.
  • According to a traditional belief, the muddier the water is, the more beautiful the lotus flower becomes.
  • Lotus is a sacred flower in Buddhism. It symbolizes the purity of both the mind and body.
  • Pink lotus is considered a national flower of Vietnam and India.
  • The Lotus Festivals are held in China, Korea and Japan.
  • All parts of the lotus plant are eatable.

Lotus Tea Recipe

What you need:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of dried lotus pollen
  • 1/2 cup of dried lotus petals
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of fresh lotus pollen (optional)
  • 1/2 cup of fresh lotus petals (optional)

Pour the boiling water over the dried lotus pollen and petals. Simmer the mixture for about 5 minutes on a low heat. After that strain the tea. Boil it once again, add the brown sugar and let it dissolve. Cool the tea. You can serve it with fresh lotus petals and pollen and some ice cubes. Enjoy this tasty and beneficial tea!

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