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19 Feb
Posted By: Oxana Times Read: 1861


“Why don’t you get a haircut? You look like a chrysanthemum”.

P. G. Wodehouse

Chrysanthemum is the second most popular flower in the world after the rose. It is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Chrysanthemums originate from northeastern Europe and Asia. These flowers are sometimes referred to as chrysanths or mums. They are cultivated for ornamental purposes. Nowadays there are numerous horticultural varieties of chrysanthemums. Traditionally, chrysanthemums are yellow, red or white. They can also be pink, purple, burgundy, lavender, etc. The leaves are alternately arranged and divided into folioles with serrated edges. The composite inflorescence can be represented either by several flower heads or by a single head. The flower heads consist of small flowers. In fact, there can be different forms of blooming (each form is determined by unique arrangement of disc and ray florets): pompons, daisy-like, decorative or buttons. The fruit is a costate achene.

Parts Used: leaves, stalks, flowers.

Interesting Chrysanthemum Facts

  • The word chrysanthemum derives from the Greek words “chrysos” (it signifies gold) and “anthos” (it stands for flower).
  • The chrysanthemum flower serves as a symbol of love, joyfulness, felicity. But in some European countries it is a token of death and grief.
  • In China chrysanthemum is a symbol of autumn and longevity.
  • Chrysanthemum is considered to be the flower of November.
  • Chrysanthemum makes part of the Chinese “Four Gentlemen” (together with bamboo, orchid and plum blossom).
  • According to feng shui, chrysanthemum can attract laughter and happiness to your home.
  • In fact, chrysanthemum flowers can survive in a vase as long as 2 weeks.

Key Components

  • Vitamins A, B, C
  • Minerals
  • Amino acids

Methods of Use

  • The leaves, petals and floral stem can be blanched and used as greens in many Chinese dishes
  • Essential oil
  • Tinctures and extracts
  • White and yellow chrysanthemum flowers are used to prepare tea in Asian countries, especially in China. This golden fragrant tea is popular not only for its wonderful taste, but also for a number of  important health benefits.

Chrysanthemum Tea Recipe


  • 1.5 litres of water
  • 50g of dried white or yellow chrysanthemum flowers
  • 50g of rock sugar

Bring the water to a boil. Add the dried chrysanthemum flowers to the boiling water. Simmer the mixture for about 2 minutes and add rock sugar according to your taste. Turn off the heat when the sugar has totally dissolved. Strain the tea and your golden healthy drink is ready!

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